Sable - Hippotragus Niger

Sable are handsome, majestic looking antelope with shiny black coat and the longest horns of any antelope.
This antelope has a number of predators including leopard, lions, wild dogs and hyenas.
Look for sable antelope in open svanna woodlands.
Black or dark brown upperparts with pure white underparts – long transversely ridged, back curved horns (both sexes) – black and white facial markings – erect long mane which runs from top of the neck to shoulders – long narrow ears
Mass – 250kg (male) 210kg (female)
Horn Length – 102cm (average)
Shoulder Height – 135cm (male) 90cm (female)
The Sable is a seasonal breeder – dropping their calves between January to March with a single calf being born after a period of approx. 270 days.
As with most species the sable cow leaves the herd to give birth and the calf remains hidden for some time before joining the herd
Herd Strength
Living in herds from 10 to 30 individuals
Life Expectancy
17 years

Principally grazers but will browse particularly in the dry season – dependent upon water
Gregarious and diurnal, preferring dry open woodland with medium to tall grass.
Majestic looking with horns which are the longest of any antelope species.>
The age of antelope can be calculated from the number of rings on the horns which varies for each species
Defense Strategies
Territorial animals – bulls will defend its territory – usually fight kneeling with sweeps of their powerful horns