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Botswana Tour & Travels

Botswana safaris

Botswana travel deals offers a selection of safaris from Chobe national park tp Moremi game reserve.

Explore the Okavango delta in the traditional mekoro or watch playful
herds of elephant who claim the Chobe river as their own private playground. 


US$ 2 332.00 per double chalet
Incl;udes accommodation, 3 meals daily (excluding Victoria Falls day trip) 3 activities (game drives of boat cruise and 2 days park entry fee. Also includes is a Victoria Falls day trip, tea/coffee, laundry and Kasane airport transfer
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Botswana safaris

the message is simple
love and conserve our wildlife
(Steve Irwin)

The People of the Okavango
The delta is home to five ethnic groups of approx. 100 000 people with their own identity and language.

The Hambukushu – the Wayeyi – the Dxeriku are bantus who traditionally engaged in mixed economies of millet/sorghum agriculture; fishing, hunting, and the collection of wild plant foods; and pastoralism.

The Bugakwe and Xanekwe are bushmen who have traditionally practiced fishing, hunting, and the collection of wild plant foods.

Bugakhwe utilized both forest and riverine resources whilst the Xanekwe foused mainly on riverine resources.

The Hambukushu, Dxeriku and Bugakwe are present along the Okavango River in Angola and in the Caprivi strip of Namibia.
There are small numbers of Hambukushu and Bugakwe in Zambia.

Botswana travel packages
Botswana travel packages
Botswana safaris

Over the past 150 years or so Hambukushu, Dxeriku, and Bugakwe have inhabited the Panhandle and the Magwegqana in the northeastern Delta.

Xanekwe have inhabited the Panhandle and the area along the Boro River through the Delta, as well as the area along the Boteti River.

The Wayeyi have inhabited the area around Seronga as well as the southern Delta around Maun.

A few Wayeyi live on their ancestral home in the Caprivi Strip

Further, the Okavango Delta has been under the political control of the Batawana for several hundred years.

Most Batawana have traditionally lived on the edges of the Delta