Nyala Tragelaphus Angasii

Nyala are a medium sized antelope with spiral horns. The coat is a slate grey colour with a dorsal crest of hair running along their back. Distinctive white vertical lines are also characteristic of the nyala.
Commonly found in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia. Their preferred habitat is thickets along water courses.

Nyala tragelaphus angasii description
■ a medium-sized antelope, with 3 to 14 vertical white stripes on its sides
■ the ram carries a fringe of long hair (dewlap) which hangs from its underparts
■ only the male has horns which are slightly spiraled curving outward after the first turn and with a white tip
■ the female is yellow brown in colour to a chestnut – also with distinctive vertical stripes on its sides
Nyala inhabits dense bush, riverside thickets and the fringes of forests with their natural diet comprising leaves, fruit, herbs, legumes, and fresh grass
■ Nyala rams are not territorial and can often be seen in small groups with ewes and lambs
■ strength is displayed in a number of ways from digging and tossing the soil to thrashing bushes
■ confrontations with other males entails standing broadside with their white dorsal crest fully erect and head held high. All intended to show dominance. Fights entail horn clashing and much shoving and pushing