Highwire Adrenaline Adventure
Victoria Falls highware adrenaline adventures. Take a leap and swing on the Gorge swing adventure.
Soar like a bird over the gorge, try the Zipline or abseil. Lots of thrills to keep the buzz going.
There is something for every age, level of madness and courage, from the very young and timid to the elderly. There is no age limit on these activities.

High Wire Adrenaline
The “Zambezi Gorge Swing”Victoria Falls set up the world’s only cable gorge swing. 135 metres of cable spans the top of the 75 metre high gorge and has a sliding pulley system hanging from it.
Once firmly attached, you take a running jump from a wooden platform and then coast smoothly across the spectacular gorge below. Your full-body harness is attached to another gorge-spanning cable by a rope system and you plunge for a 50 metre heart-in-mouth drop before progressing into a smooth Tarzan-like swing.
The jump ends with several pendulum swings before clients are lowered to the ground. At the bottom there is a track back to the top of the gorge.
Foofie Slide- Zip Line : One of the world’s most spectacular zip line slides, running 425 metres across the Zambezi river
The Flying Fox: The flying fox is a cable slide 120 metres above the green water of the Zambezi and clients “fly” across, attached to a special body harness. You are then pulled back to the gorge so there is no walkout
Rates 01 January to 31 December 2020
rates quoted per person exclude National Park Fees
Gorge Swing : US$ 100
Tandem Gorge Swing : US$ 147
Zip Line : US$ 74
Tandem Zip Line : US$ 121
Flying Fox : US$ 47
Half day high wire (3 products) : US$ 155
The Lookout: The set-up includes ‘The Lookout’, a wooden thatched structure, literally teetering over the gorge, which offers the most spectacular and breathtaking view of the Batoka Gorge, the Zambezi and its number 4 rapid. From this platform you can watch and gasp as the human circus hurtles, spins and falls in every direction , A safety instructor briefs guests on the area and proper use of the equipment before starting
All these products are situated in Batoka Gorge near the magnificent Victoria Falls