Pretoria City Tour from Johannesburg
Visit the city of Pretoria on a half day tour. Meet great characters like Paul Kruger or Dingaan as they guide you through the Jacarandas, from Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria to Church Square and Union Buildings.
Follow in the footsteps of our forefathers and get a first-hand account of South Africa’s earliest liberation struggle.

Visit the Jacaranda city and take in Pretoria’s past, present and future on this half day tour. From the Voortrekker Monument and Paul Kruger’s House, to Church Square and the Union Buildings.
Pack your wagons, load the oxen and prepare to ‘trek’ across a city where the jacaranda’s colour the streets.
Paul Kruger, more affectionately known as Oom Paul, was the face of Boer resistance during the Second Boer War. Leading the field against British rule, he quickly found allies in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Spain. But as the British forces advanced, he was forced into exile, spending his final years on the run.
From Commandant-General to President of the Transvaal and finally outcast, his legacy includes the Kruger House Museum, the Krugerrand Coin and a anti-British Nazi propaganda film called Ohm Krüger to name but a few.
Dingaan, is known throughout history as the king responsible for the fall of the Zulu Kingdom. Lacking his brother, Shaka Zulu’s, military and leadership skills, he led his kingdom on a downward spiral from the moment he assassinated Shaka to assume the throne.
After betraying Piet Retief and his party of Voortrekkers at the Weenen Massacre, he ordered his army to slaughter at the Battle of Blood River.
His enemies soon joined forces with the Voortrekkers, where his half-brother engineered his execution.