South Africa Visa Requirements
All you need to know when entering South Africa. Travelers from most western European countries, Japan and the United States of America do not require visas – find out more below.
Visitors entering South Africa are required to be in possession of a valid passport.
Most passport holders need visas to enter South Africa, but some countries are exempt from this arrangement.
Countries Exempt from South African Visas

Biometric Visas
South Africa’s immigration regulations are that accredited travel agents make visa applications for their clients, while biometrics will be taken at ports of entry
Accredited travel agents can make visa applications for their clients and that foreign minors are no longer required to produce an unabridged birth certificate when travelling to and from SA. negating the need for in-person applications.
This programme will see these companies making visa applications on behalf of their clients and will possibly be extended to other countries.Visa applications are accepted by post from countries that required a visa to South Africa but did not have a South African consulate or embassy