Zambia Travel Health – Safety Advice
Zambia travel health and safety advisory for Holidays and Vacations in Zambia, Africa

Health care: Health service is not free and health insurance is advisable. Adequate health care cannot be assured outside main towns. It is advisable to carry basic medical suppliesYellow fever vaccination
A yellow fever vaccination certificate. Travellers arriving from non-endemic zones should note that vaccination is strongly recommended for travel outside the urban areas, even if an outbreak of the disease has not been reported and they would normally not require a vaccination certificate to enter the country.
Yellow fever vaccinations are no longer required for travel between Zambia and South Africa
Innoculatons against Hepatitis A and Polio are recommended
Insect repellents are also advised
Still water might harbour bilharzia
Water: used for drinking or making ice should be boiled or sterilised. Milk is pasteurised and dairy products are generally safe for consumption. Only eat well-cooked meat and fish, preferably served hot. Swimming pools which are well – chlorinated and maintained are safe
Following WHO guidelines issued in 1973, a cholera vaccination certificate is not a condition of entry to Zambia. However, there are chances of cholera breaking out especially during the rainy season. Precautions are therefore essential. Up-to-date advice should be sought before deciding whether these precautions should include vaccinations, as medical opinion is divided over its effectiveness.
Anti malaria tablets are strongly recommended particularly for travelers to game parks
Malaria: risk exists, predominantly in the malignant falciparum form, in the whole country throughout the year. The malignant form is reported to be ‘highly resistant’ to chloroquine. The old adage rings true “Prevention is better than cure” – therefore the best way to avoid malaria is to avoid being bitten in the first place. Mosquitoes and most other insects are generally active for a few hours around sunset. They can and often do continue to be bothersome throughout the night and are also around in the early morning. We suggest that you change into longs just after sunset and spray yourself with the provided repellent. In addition, we suggest that you turn out lights when not in use
Other health concerns are dysentery, diarrhoeal diseases, cholera (avoid street vendors; filter and boil water), influenza (risk extends throughout year)