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Special Deals

Special travel deals

Special deals offering super safari specials in Victoria Falls and Chobe.

Best value on accommodation, meals and activities on Stay 3 Pay 2 promotions.

explore world famous iconic destinations 

enjoy week end breaks to Victoria Falls

watch elephants swim the Chobe river

Victoria Falls Specials

Visit Victoria Falls on one of our ever popular specials. Stay at locations such as the Batoka gorge or Zambezi riverbank with their amazing views.

Big savings on the Stay 3 Pay 2 promotions. Enjoy all the fun of Victoria Falls as well as game viewing by vehicle, boat or on foot.

Safari Hwange for more super travel deals. Luxury accommodation, meals and Hwange’s famous big herds of buffalo and elephant with the ever present lion not far away.

special deals Victoria Falls
Victoria Falls Safari Lodge

Botswana Specials

Experience Chobe national park with its legendary herds of elephant.  On a river cruise get up close and personal for those amazing wildlife photos.

Our Botswana specials offer a combination of good quality accommodation and activities.