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Amandla Day Trip Johannesburg

Amandla Day Trip Johannesburg

Relive the journey to freedom through the eyes of Walter Sisulu, father of the ANC

Travel through the streets of Jozi and Soweto to a time where uprisings and injustice was rife, but passion and determination prevailed so that democracy could be born. From Liliesleaf and Freedom Square to Constitutional Hill, discover the secrets of our past as the riveting tales of the true struggle for freedom is revealed.

The cast
This is no ordinary day tour; this is an extraordinary opportunity to experience the struggle first hand.

Walter Sisulu (1912 – 2003)
Son of a white foreman, Walter Sisulu spent much of his life on the front lines of the apartheid struggle. After joining the African National Congress, his brilliant political networking skills earned him a place at the heart of Umkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation) and the 1952 Defiance Campaign.

After countless arrests during many years of violent protests, Sisulu was sentenced to life in prison on Robben Island alongside other leading activists. After his release, he was awarded the Isitwalandwe Medal, the highest honour bestowed by the ANC, for the role he played in the liberation struggle.

Amandla day tour
poster depicting Amandle Theatrical presentation

Ruth First (1925 – 1982)
Ruth First, a leading anti-apartheid activist, was notoriously killed by a parcel bomb delivered to her in Mozambique. As an active member of the South African Communist Party from an early age, she later joined the African National Congress in its quest to overthrow the government.

Married to Joe Slovo, friend and comrade to Nelson Mandela and the first white woman to be detained under the 90 day detention law, she was put on trial for treason, sentenced to exile and assassinated moments before the democracy she fought so hard for could be realised.

Amandla day tour
Nelson Mandela and Ruth First

Elias Motsoaledi (1924 –1994)
A lifelong member of the South African Communist Party and African National Congress, Elias Motsoaledi had his first brush with the law after refusing to produce his pass book. His anti-apartheid crusade saw him play an active role in the 1952 Defiance Campaign and the establishment of the Congress of South African Trade Unions.

After spending 26 years on Robben Island alongside the likes of Walter Sisulu, Nelson Mandela and Oliver Tambo, he received the Isitwalandwe Medal in 1992. His lifelong struggle came to an end when he passed away on the same day Nelson Mandela was inaugurated as President of South Africa

Daily –  Full Day
 Airport  07h15/ Sandton 08h30 / Rosebank 09h10   Drop Off Rosebank / Sandton / Airport  +-17h00

Amandla Day Trip Johannesburg Reviews 

“Interactive, engaging and interesting. It brought history to life.” : Simphiwe Shiburi, history graduate at the University of Pretoria

“A must-see for the whole family.” Tazneem Saloojee, mother of three

‘’I had a grand day out!’’ : 
Yolanda Murray, a South African citizen
